What: The Willow Fork Drainage District (WFDD or the “District”) board invites residents and the community to a town hall on Project Barker, a flood risk reduction and community park project within Barker Reservoir, including presentations and Q&A.
When: Monday, December 6, 2021, at 6:30 p.m.
Where: The Golf Club at Cinco Ranch, 23030 Cinco Ranch Blvd., Katy TX
Who: Wendy Duncan, President, WFDD, Craig Kalkomey, Sr. Project Engineer, LJA Engineering and District Engineer Steve Robinson, Partner, ABHR and District Attorney

WFDD is excited to announce Project Barker, a flood risk reduction and community park project within Barker Reservoir that aims to increase flood storage on a cost-effective basis, simultaneously creating an active park space and positive environmental outcomes through coastal prairie restoration, including aquatic features and wetlands.
“We are ecstatic to spearhead Project Barker as a solution to reducing flooding to properties adjacent to Barker Reservoir, while at the same time providing expanded park space to WFDD residents and the greater community,” said WFDD President Wendy Duncan.
Within a week of Hurricane Harvey dropping more than 30 inches of rain in 2017, causing severe flooding of homes and leaving more than 350,000 cubic yards of silt in WFDD channels, the District began removing deposited silt from channels, cleaning storm sewer lines and outfalls to restore positive drainage, and repairing park and trail facilities. “After clean-up from Harvey, WFDD turned its attention to the future, actively looking for solutions to reduce the flood risk to resident homes, of which we believe Project Barker is the most cost-effective, timely solution with significant impact,” said Duncan.
Project Barker, which will include an initial 3,000-acre feet of regional flood storage and 420 acres of new park space, will be located east of Canyon Gate. Visit ProjectBarker.com to learn more about this creative solution to reducing flooding in the Katy area.